What You Can Do to Stop Fracking?

Now - in February, 2025, you can do two important things:

  1. Contact (call, email, write - in that order) the senators in the Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee and indicate your concerns. See My MD Reps.
  2. Submit written testimony before the hearing date 02/27/2025 on Senate Bill SB0878 Oil and Natural Gas - Hydraulic Fracturing - Authorization

​Your views can greatly influence legislators who try to determine if the bill has merit. Refer to the fracking facts on this website's page. When submitting your letter, keep it simple. Pick one or two reasons and briefly explain why you are concerned.

  • Keep informed - ask questions - learn the facts about fracking in Western Maryland.

    Why is fracking being proposed again for Maryland when it was banned eight years ago? Why did many politicians, including Maryland's Republican governor, (Governor Hogan) at the time, ultimately ban fracking after much consideration?

    Determine who benefits if fracking is allowed. What will be the positive (if any?) economic benefits. But find out also what the negative impacts are.

  • Learn! Questions/Answers
  • Write letters to your local newspaper Republican (Garrett Co.)
  • Participate! (for a list of organizations)
  • Attend Hearings / Public Forums


A Global Warming Primer
Using a question & answer format, it uses excellent charts and concise language.

The Discovery of Global Warming
Website is an excellent source for essays on separate topics.